There are so many love stories out there that died even before if was born, so many people who have lost good people in their lives because of their inability to communicate how they feel.
If you're in love with a person, tell them how you feel, what have you got to lose, they either accept you or not, at least you have played your part by telling them. There is a possibility that they also love you too but they don't know how to go about telling you about it.
Life itself is a risk, you could take the risk by telling them how you feel and at the end of the day you will be glad you did, if you are the kind that is not outspoken because telling a person you love them face to face to some people can be very challenging.
If you fall under the category of people who can't express their love face to face you can send them a text message, you could send them a message on social media, you can send then a note, the most important thing is that you have finally told them you love them.
When it comes to expressing your feelings I don't believe it should only be left to the guys, there is nothing wrong with a lady telling a guy she loves him, it is only guys that are cheap and immature that take such a lady for granted, big boys celebrate such a lady for even having the courage to express her feelings.
If there is someone you love and you're yet to tell them about your feelings, there is no perfect time to tell them how you feel, the perfect time is now, the more time you waste, the more you stand a chance of losing them for life.
Written By: ® Allen MD Jnr